Contact Lesley Watts
call me:
01482 880948
07800 578826
visit me: By appointment only
66 Megson Way,
East Yorkshire,
HU17 8YA
Corporate Social Responsibility
The Westwood counselling, psychotherapy and occupational health care service is all about people and their communities. As a self employed practitioner with 30 years experience in the NHS and Police Service I am very aware of the impact my work has upon individuals, their families and their wider community and how it can bring about healthier lifestyles, relationships and therefore more harmonious communities.
I work with a wide range of clients including individuals, corporate clients and GP referrals. My qualifications and experience create a unique blend of skills and the ability to offer creative solutions tailor-made for each individual client.
I was fortunate to secure funding early in adult life which allowed me to pursue a career path that has lead to a broad and in depth knowledge of how to support health and welfare through counselling, psychotherapy and occupational health. I have always felt indebted to ‘Northern Foods’ and ‘Smith & Nephew’ for supporting my early training and am now in a position where I feel I can repeat that gesture and give something back.
As a therapist my biggest CSR impact is on the community and the individuals within it. I also contribute to the business community in terms of the occupational health aspect of my work.
As part of my corporate commitment to social responsibility in the community
I will:
- Continue to reach clients with little or no means of accessing specialised support
- Promote the ‘corporate’ benefits of doing CSR as a sole trader to encourage more businesses to give something back
- Get involved in local community and charitable events particularly in the East Hull area
I view my marketplace as the business and residential area I serve as well as the agencies I partner with and the suppliers I come into contact with. I aim to conduct my business with the maximum positive environmental and social impact, encouraging all of my partners to do the same.
As part of my corporate commitment to social responsibility in the marketplace
I will:
- Treat partners and suppliers with respect and operate in a professional manner at all times
- Deliver high quality customer service whilst continually seeking to improve based on customer feedback
- Evaluate my work and adapt to meet the changing needs of all of my clients
Whilst I am a sole trader and work from home my therapy rooms are discreet and used for the sole purpose of work. I maintain high standards and continually invest in my workplace to ensure a professional and effective service for my customers. In addition I support and mentor other developing therapists.
As part of my corporate commitment to social responsibility in the workplace
I will:
- Continue to support other developing therapists which in turn supports the sector
- Deliver specialised therapies based on evidence, with a holistic approach
- Continue to provide accessible and clear information to educate and promote the services available (through my website and literature)
- Maintain the standards achieved through continued training and professional supervision
Whilst much of my work is home based, I am conscious of the impacts I have on the environment and what my business might contribute to pollution. I am keen to reduce my use of natural resources and energy consumption.
As part of my corporate commitment to social responsibility in the environment
I will:
- Continue to take practical steps to minimise my environmental impact such as reducing, reusing and recycling
- Consider the products I use and where they have come from
- Encourage my customers, partners and suppliers to consider their own impact on the environment
I will review, evaluate and renew my commitment to my CSR policy yearly taking account of the changing needs of my clients and the services they require.
This policy has been developed in connection with Hull and East Yorkshire Community Foundation.